Hatching CI albatross egg Image: Dave Boyle

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Species spotlight fb taiko
Species Spotlight: Chatham Island tāiko

Chatham Island tāiko are a small seabird in the petrel family. They spend their days foraging at sea...

Spotlight Chatham Islands albatross Image: Oscar Thomas
Species Spotlight: Chatham Island albatross

This month we're bringing you one of the iconic Chatham birds, an albatross named after the archipel...

Species spotlight moths social media
Species Spotlight: Chatham Islands moths

Moths don't always get the air time they deserve. They're small, which means they can be hard to not...

thumbnail possum
Tips for possum control on the Chatham...

Possums are one of the major introduced pests on the Chatham Islands. They’re the biggest threat to ...

Swamp aster Image: DOC Tom Hitchon
Predator Free Chathams update (CIC)

Predator Free Chathams is a community-driven project to help restore our islands’ natural gifts and ...

Black robin on tree trunk Image: Enzo M. R. Reyes
Is the future of the Chathams predator...

Before the arrival of humans, the Chatham Islands were teeming with animal life. Geographically isol...