Chatham Island Warbler 08.02.2010

Our team

We're the Trustees and staff of the Chatham Islands Landscape Restoration Trust.

Monique Croon
Monique Croon


Monique has been involved with the Trust’s work from the first meetings to kick-start our ...

Levi Lanauze with albatross
Levi Lanauze


Levi Lanauze grew up on Pitt Island and has a background in conservation, apiculture, agri...

Mike Bell
Mike Bell

Mike first visited the Chathams as a 15-year-old to work on the black robin project. He's been invol...

Conservation work at Blind Jims Image: Jess MacKenzie
Jase Seymour

Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust Rep

Jase Seymour lives on Wharekauri. He works as a Biosecurit...

Pana Ryan

Hokotehi Moriori Trust Rep

Pana Ryan is on the Trust representing Hokotehi Moriori Trust.

Starfish in seaweeds Tamzin Henderson 1
Jacqui Nielsen

Jacqui runs a plant nursery on main Chatham cultivating native Chathams species and works for the Te...

Troy Tuhiwai Rodgers Hamish Chisholm Mike Bell Philip Graydon and Liam Tuhiwai Rodgers stand in front of the newly completed shade house for the native nursery at Kaingaroa School
Hamish Chisholm

Predator Free Coordinator

A sixth-generation islander, Hamish's passion for the Chatham Islands is ...

Jess MacKenzie
Jess MacKenzie

Communications Lead & Project Support

With a broad background in communications, writing and projec...